Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Adventure in Hungary

On the last day of September, most of the staff in my Terrestrial Environment Laboratory section took the afternoon off to go on a "team building activity". Well, ok, we just wanted to play hooky and have some fun, but the title gives a nice ring to it.

So we piled into a few cars and off we went, bound for far off Hungary, a whole... 40 kilometres away! :-P
Just outside the town of Sopron, there is a nice forested area. In the forest, there is an "adventure park". What's that, you ask?  It's a kind of athletic course high up in the trees, where you have to walk tightropes, balance on beams, use ladders and ziplines etc.  For those of you in the Ottawa/Gatineau area, there are 2 such parks nearby, one at Camp Fortune and one at Cavernes Laflèche.

OK, so we get there. get harnessed up, and then play around in the trees for a couple of hours.  However, they don't beat the two I just mentioned above: the Hungarian one was a little too reliant on sheer upper body strength (which I don't have at all), and the zip lines were low and short.  But still, we had a great time. I love these things!  It was also fun to see my colleagues looking silly hanging on for dear life. :-)

Once we were done, we went on a short walk on a "path" in the forest. OK look, the forest was lovely, very similar to ones back home, but a path should not be 10 feet wide and paved!

We ended up at a tower with a view of Sopron, Neusiedler Lake and Austria beyond the lake. It was some kind of historical site, although not too sure what because almost all the signs were in Hungarian. The only translated sign was quite hilarious, full of amusing mistakes:

By then we were starving, so we went bak into town to some restaurant with an unpronounceable name. The sign had a depressed-looking fox on it, so we nicknamed it the "Sad Fox restaurant".
A nice end to a lovely day!

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